Care You Can Trust

About My Meaningful Recovery of New Mexico

We are a healthcare company created and operated by New Mexico Addiction Medicine specialists. We have extensive knowledge and experience working with New Mexicans.

We specialize in addiction treatment of opioids including heroin and fentanyl, other opioids, alcohol, nicotine, and other co-occurring substance use issues.

Our services include but are not limited to Suboxone Therapy, Opioid Addiction Treatment, Telehealth Addiction TreatmentSubstance Use Disorder, and Drug Testing.

We are committed to treating all patients as they come, without judgment, and with respect and dignity.

  • Cyber-secured, HIPAA-compliant platforms
  • Flexible appointment scheduling, evenings and weekends available
  • Timely and Personalized
About My Meaningful Recovery of New Mexico

Make an Appointment

Options for Treatment

Medications for Addiction Treatment

Buprenorphine is a medication used to treat cravings and withdrawal symptoms from opioids.

Naloxone is a medication that can reverse the life-threatening effects of opioids when given intranasally.

Naltrexone is a medication that can be given orally or by injection. This medication can be used to treat various substance use disorders including alcohol and opioids.

Disulfiram and Acamprosate are other medications that are indicated for alcohol use disorder. They are prescribed with the aim to promote abstinence.

Varenicline and Bupropion are medications that can be used to aid with tobacco use disorder.

We do not provide prescriptions for other opioid pain medications.

We are not primary care providers and generally do not provide prescriptions for other conditions unrelated to addiction medicine.

Steps to Recovery with our Addiction Treatment

We are happy to walk you through these steps over the phone, please call us if you have any questions

  • Step One

    Download Spruce our HIPAA-compliant software

  • Step Two

    Complete our initial paperwork virtually

  • Step Three

    Connect with a clinician for a personalized treatment plan

Patient Testimonials

Telemedicine that Fits Your Schedule

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