We specialize in online addiction treatment for opioid use disorder, including heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and other opioids. We also specialize in treatment of nicotine, alcohol, and other co-occurring substance use issues. We prescribe medication to prevent overdoses to all patients.
We are based in Albuquerque, but telehealth platform allows us to provide services to the entire state of New Mexico.
All you will need for your appointments is an internet connection and smart phone or laptop computer. You will need to make sure the microphone and camera are working for each visit. You will also need to have a government-issued ID. We use audio and visual communication to provide high quality and effective care.
Yes, we are addiction medicine specialists who provide telehealth services in New Mexico. We are licensed Medical Doctors and Nurse Practitioners.
You can call or text (505) 596-4524. You can also email [email protected]. You can also download the Spruce app which is our HIPAA-compliant software. We will schedule you for the first available appointment. We can accommodate after-hours and weekend appointments as needed.
Drug testing is required at each visit. We provide a variety of testing options including urine and oral saliva drug testing kits. Testing via oral route can be performed remotely with video monitoring option. This method provides a private, confidential, and convenient option for drug testing. Other testing options include urine testing performed at our clinic or another third party laboratory. 
We accept NM Medicaid and are credentialing with multiple other insurances.
Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone) is a sublingual (under the tongue) medication used to treat cravings and withdrawal symptoms from opioids. After evaluation by our medical professional, this medication is prescribed as a maintenance medication on a continuing basis. Other formulations of buprenorphine exist and may be appropriate for you. Naltrexone is a medication that can be given orally and can be used to treat various substance use disorders including alcohol and opioids.
Opioid use disorder is a serious, treatable, and long-term chronic disease. People who use opioids often engage in impulsive behaviors that can lead to harmful consequences. Treatment with medications is similar to other interventions for chronic medical diseases. Medications for addiction treatment provide a vehicle to start living a life of recovery. Recovery is the goal of our practice.
Although Suboxone is meant to be taken on a long-term basis similar to the treatment of diabetes or hypertension, we will work with you on an individual basis to set up your treatment plan. If your intentions are to take this medication for a very short time, our program might not be right for you.
Once you have established care with one of our medical professionals, a treatment schedule will be customized for you. This will vary on an individual basis. At the beginning of treatment, expect to be seen weekly for 6-8 weeks.

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